
Decision Trees

  • Learn Decision Trees
  • · Decision trees are used in everyday life decisions, not just in machine learning. Flow diagrams are actually visual representations of decision trees. For example, Higher School of Economics publishes information diagrams to make the lives of its employees easier. Here is a snippet of instructions for publishing a paper on the Institution portal.

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  • Before we dive into the material for this week’s article, let’s talk about the kind of problem that we are going to solve and its place in the exciting field of machine learning. T. Mitchell’s book “Machine Learning” (1997) gives a classic, general definition of machine learning as follows:

    A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P, if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E.

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In the various problem settings T, P, and E can refer to completely different things. Some of the most popular tasks T in machine learning are the following:

  • classification of an instance to one of the categories based on its features;
  • regression – prediction of a numerical target feature based on other features of an instance;
  • clustering – identifying partitions of instances based on the features of these instances so that the members within the groups are more similar to each other than those in the other groups;
  • anomaly detection – search for instances that are “greatly dissimilar” to the rest of the sample or to some group of instances;
  • and so many more.

A good overview is provided in the “Machine Learning basics” chapter of “Deep Learning” (by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville, 2016).

Experience E refers to data (we can’t go anywhere without it). Machine learning algorithms can be divided into those that are trained in supervised or unsupervised manner. In unsupervised learning tasks, one has a set consisting of instances described by a set of features. In supervised learning problems, there’s also a target variable, which is what we would like to be able to predict, known for each instance in a training set.


Classification and regression are supervised learning problems. For example, as a credit institution, we may want to predict loan defaults based on the data accumulated about our clients. Here, the experience E is the available training data: a set of instances (clients), a collection of features (such as age, salary, type of loan, past loan defaults, etc.) for each, and a target variable (whether they defaulted on the loan). This target variable is just a fact of loan default (1 or 0), so recall that this is a (binary) classification problem. If you were instead predicting by how much time the loan payment is overdue, this would become a regression problem.

Finally, the third term used in the definition of machine learning is a metric of the algorithm’s performance evaluation P. Such metrics differ for various problems and algorithms, and we’ll discuss them as we study new algorithms. For now, we’ll refer to a simple metric for classification algorithms, the proportion of correct answers – accuracy – on the test set.

Let’s take a look at two supervised learning problems: classification and regression.


We begin our overview of classification and regression methods with one of the most popular ones – a decision tree. Decision trees are used in everyday life decisions, not just in machine learning. Flow diagrams are actually visual representations of decision trees. For example, Higher School of Economics publishes information diagrams to make the lives of its employees easier. Here is a snippet of instructions for publishing a paper on the Institution portal.

In terms of machine learning, one can see it as a simple classifier that determines the appropriate form of publication (book, article, chapter of the book, preprint, publication in the “Higher School of Economics and the Media”) based on the content (book, pamphlet, paper), type of journal, original publication type (scientific journal, proceedings), etc.

A decision tree is often a generalization of the experts’ experience, a means of sharing knowledge of a particular process. For example, before the introduction of scalable machine learning algorithms, the credit scoring task in the banking sector was solved by experts. The decision to grant a loan was made on the basis of some intuitively (or empirically) derived rules that could be represented as a decision tree.

In our next case, we solve a binary classification problem (approve/deny a loan) based on the “Age”, “Home-ownership”, “Income”, and “Education” features.

The decision tree as a machine learning algorithm is essentially the same thing as the diagram shown above; we incorporate a stream of logical rules of the form “feature $a$ value is less than $x$ and feature $b$ value is less than $y$ … => Category 1″ into a tree-like data structure. The advantage of this algorithm is that they are easily interpretable. For example, using the above scheme, the bank can explain to the client why they were denied for a loan: e.g the client does not own a house and her income is less than 5,000.

As we’ll see later, many other models, although more accurate, do not have this property and can be regarded as more of a “black box” approach, where it is harder to interpret how the input data was transformed into the output. Due to this “understandability” and similarity to human decision-making (you can easily explain your model to your boss), decision trees have gained immense popularity. C4.5, a representative of this group of classification methods, is even the first in the list of 10 best data mining algorithms (“Top 10 Algorithms in Data Mining”, Knowledge and Information Systems, 2008. ResearchGate).

How to Build a Decision Tree

Earlier, we saw that the decision to grant a loan is made based on age, assets, income, and other variables. But what variable to look at first? Let’s discuss a simple example where all the variables are binary.

Recall the game of “20 Questions”, which is often referenced when introducing decision trees. You’ve probably played this game — one person thinks of a celebrity while the other tries to guess by asking only “Yes” or “No” questions. What question will the guesser ask first? Of course, they will ask the one that narrows down the number of the remaining options the most. Asking “Is it Angelina Jolie?” would, in the case of a negative response, leave all but one celebrity in the realm of possibility. In contrast, asking “Is the celebrity a woman?” would reduce the possibilities to roughly half. That is to say, the “gender” feature separates the celebrity dataset much better than other features like “Angelina Jolie”, “Spanish”, or “loves football.” This reasoning corresponds to the concept of information gain based on entropy.


Shannon’s entropy is defined for a system with N possible states as follows:

$$\Large S = -\sum_{i=1}^{N}p_i \log_2{p_i},$$

where $p_i$ is the probability of finding the system in the $i$-th state. This is a very important concept used in physics, information theory, and other areas. Entropy can be described as the degree of chaos in the system. The higher the entropy, the less ordered the system and vice versa. This will help us formalize “effective data splitting”, which we alluded to in the context of “20 Questions”.

Toy Example

To illustrate how entropy can help us identify good features for building a decision tree, let’s look at a toy example. We will predict the color of the ball based on its position.

There are 9 blue balls and 11 yellow balls. If we randomly pull out a ball, then it will be blue with probability $p_1=\frac{9}{20}$ and yellow with probability $p_2=\frac{11}{20}$, which gives us an entropy $S_0 = -\frac{9}{20}\log_2{\frac{9}{20}}-\frac{11}{20}\log_2{\frac{11}{20}} \approx 1$. This value by itself may not tell us much, but let’s see how the value changes if we were to break the balls into two groups: with the position less than or equal to 12 and greater than 12.

The left group has 13 balls, 8 blue and 5 yellow. The entropy of this group is $S_1 = -\frac{5}{13}\log_2{\frac{5}{13}}-\frac{8}{13}\log_2{\frac{8}{13}} \approx 0.96$. The right group has 7 balls, 1 blue and 6 yellow. The entropy of the right group is $S_2 = -\frac{1}{7}\log_2{\frac{1}{7}}-\frac{6}{7}\log_2{\frac{6}{7}} \approx 0.6$. As you can see, entropy has decreased in both groups, more so in the right group. Since entropy is, in fact, the degree of chaos (or uncertainty) in the system, the reduction in entropy is called information gain. Formally, the information gain (IG) for a split based on the variable $Q$ (in this example it’s a variable “$x \leq 12$“) is defined as

$$\Large IG(Q) = S_O - \sum_{i=1}^{q}\frac{N_i}{N}S_i,$$

where $q$ is the number of groups after the split, $N_i$ is number of objects from the sample in which variable $Q$ is equal to the $i$-th value. In our example, our split yielded two groups ($q = 2$), one with 13 elements ($N_1 = 13$), the other with 7 ($N_2 = 7$). Therefore, we can compute the information gain as

$$ \Large IG(x \leq 12) = S_0 - \frac{13}{20}S_1 - \frac{7}{20}S_2 \approx 0.16.$$

It turns out that dividing the balls into two groups by splitting on “coordinate is less than or equal to 12” gave us a more ordered system. Let’s continue to divide them into groups until the balls in each group are all of the same color.

For the right group, we can easily see that we only need one extra partition using “coordinate less than or equal to 18”. But, for the left group, we need three more. Note that the entropy of a group where all of the balls are the same color is equal to 0 ($\log_2{1} = 0$).

We have successfully constructed a decision tree that predicts ball color based on its position. This decision tree may not work well if we add any balls because it has perfectly fit to the training set (initial 20 balls). If we wanted to do well in that case, a tree with fewer “questions” or splits would be more accurate, even if it does not perfectly fit the training set. We will discuss the problem of overfitting later.

Tree-building Algorithm

We can make sure that the tree built in the previous example is optimal: it took only 5 “questions” (conditioned on the variable $x$) to perfectly fit a decision tree to the training set. Under other split conditions, the resulting tree would be deeper, i.e. take more “questions” to reach an answer.

At the heart of the popular algorithms for decision tree construction, such as ID3 or C4.5, lies the principle of greedy maximization of information gain: at each step, the algorithm chooses the variable that gives the greatest information gain upon splitting. Then the procedure is repeated recursively until the entropy is zero (or some small value to account for overfitting). Different algorithms use different heuristics for “early stopping” or “cut-off” to avoid constructing an overfitted tree.

def build(L):
    create node t
    if the stopping criterion is True:
        assign a predictive model to t
        Find the best binary split L = L_left + L_right
        t.left = build(L_left)
        t.right = build(L_right)
    return t

Other Quality Criteria for Splits in Classification Problems

We discussed how entropy allows us to formalize partitions in a tree. But this is only one heuristic; there exists others:

  • Gini uncertainty (Gini impurity): $G = 1 – \sum\limits_k (p_k)^2$. Maximizing this criterion can be interpreted as the maximization of the number of pairs of objects of the same class that are in the same subtree (not to be confused with the Gini index).
  • Misclassification error: $E = 1 - \max\limits_k p_k$

In practice, misclassification error is almost never used, and Gini uncertainty and information gain work similarly.

For binary classification, entropy and Gini uncertainty take the following form:

$ S = -p_+ \log_2{p_+} -p_- \log_2{p_-} = -p_+ \log_2{p_+} -(1 - p_{+}) \log_2{(1 - p_{+})};$

$ G = 1 - p_+^2 - p_-^2 = 1 - p_+^2 - (1 - p_+)^2 = 2p_+(1-p_+).$

where ($p_+$ is the probability of an object having a label +).

If we plot these two functions against the argument $p_+$, we will see that the entropy plot is very close to the plot of Gini uncertainty, doubled. Therefore, in practice, these two criteria are almost identical.

In [1]:
# we don't like warnings
# you can comment the following 2 lines if you'd like to
import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
In [2]:
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4))
xx = np.linspace(0, 1, 50)
plt.plot(xx, [2 * x * (1 - x) for x in xx], label="gini")
plt.plot(xx, [4 * x * (1 - x) for x in xx], label="2*gini")
plt.plot(xx, [-x * np.log2(x) - (1 - x) * np.log2(1 - x) for x in xx], label="entropy")
plt.plot(xx, [1 - max(x, 1 - x) for x in xx], label="missclass")
plt.plot(xx, [2 - 2 * max(x, 1 - x) for x in xx], label="2*missclass")
plt.title("Criteria of quality as a function of p+ (binary classification)")


Let’s consider fitting a decision tree to some synthetic data. We will generate samples from two classes, both normal distributions but with different means.

In [3]:
# first class
train_data = np.random.normal(size=(100, 2))
train_labels = np.zeros(100)

# adding second class
train_data = np.r_[train_data, np.random.normal(size=(100, 2), loc=2)]
train_labels = np.r_[train_labels, np.ones(100)]

Let’s plot the data. Informally, the classification problem in this case is to build some “good” boundary separating the two classes (the red dots from the yellow). Machine learning for this case boils down to choosing a good separating border. A straight line will be too simple while some complex curve snaking by each red dot will be too complex and will lead us to making mistakes on new samples. Intuitively, some smooth boundary, or at least a straight line or a hyperplane, would work well on new data.

In [4]:
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
    train_data[:, 0],
    train_data[:, 1],
plt.plot(range(-2, 5), range(4, -3, -1));

Let’s try to separate these two classes by training an Sklearn decision tree. We will use max_depth parameter that limits the depth of the tree. Let’s visualize the resulting separating boundary.

In [5]:
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier

# Let’s write an auxiliary function that will return grid for further visualization.
def get_grid(data):
    x_min, x_max = data[:, 0].min() - 1, data[:, 0].max() + 1
    y_min, y_max = data[:, 1].min() - 1, data[:, 1].max() + 1
    return np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, 0.01), np.arange(y_min, y_max, 0.01))

clf_tree = DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion="entropy", max_depth=3, random_state=17)

# training the tree, train_labels)

# some code to depict separating surface
xx, yy = get_grid(train_data)
predicted = clf_tree.predict(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]).reshape(xx.shape)
plt.pcolormesh(xx, yy, predicted, cmap="autumn")
    train_data[:, 0],
    train_data[:, 1],

And how does the tree itself look? We see that the tree “cuts” the space into 8 rectangles, i.e. the tree has 8 leaves. Within each rectangle, the tree will make the prediction according to the majority label of the objects inside it.

In [6]:
import pydotplus  # pip install pydotplus
from sklearn.tree import export_graphviz

def tree_graph_to_png(tree, feature_names, png_file_to_save):
    tree_str = export_graphviz(
        tree, feature_names=feature_names, filled=True, out_file=None
    graph = pydotplus.graph_from_dot_data(tree_str)
In [7]:
    feature_names=["x1", "x2"],

How can we “read” such a tree?

In the beginning, there were 200 samples (instances), 100 of each class. The entropy of the initial state was maximal, $S=1$. Then, the first partition of the samples into 2 groups was made by comparing the value of $x_2$ with $1.211$ (find this part of the border in the picture above). With that, the entropy of both left and right groups decreased. The process continues up to depth 3. In this visualization, the more samples of the first class, the darker the orange color of the vertex; the more samples of the second class, the darker the blue. At the beginning, the number of samples from two classes is equal, so the root node of the tree is white.

How a Decision Tree Works with Numerical Features

Suppose we have a numeric feature “Age” that has a lot of unique values. A decision tree will look for the best (according to some criterion of information gain) split by checking binary attributes such as “Age <17”, “Age < 22.87”, and so on. But what if the age range is large? Or what if another quantitative variable, “salary”, can also be “cut” in many ways? There will be too many binary attributes to select from at each step during tree construction. To resolve this problem, heuristics are usually used to limit the number of thresholds to which we compare the quantitative variable.

Let’s consider an example. Suppose we have the following dataset:

In [8]:
data = pd.DataFrame(
        "Age": [17, 64, 18, 20, 38, 49, 55, 25, 29, 31, 33],
        "Loan Default": [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1],
0 17 1
1 64 0
2 18 1
3 20 0
4 38 1
5 49 0
6 55 0
7 25 1
8 29 1
9 31 0
10 33 1

Let’s sort it by age in ascending order.

In [9]:
0 17 1
2 18 1
3 20 0
7 25 1
8 29 1
9 31 0
10 33 1
4 38 1
5 49 0
6 55 0
1 64 0
In [10]:
age_tree = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=17)["Age"].values.reshape(-1, 1), data["Loan Default"].values)


We see that the tree used the following 5 values to evaluate by age: 43.5, 19, 22.5, 30, and 32 years. If you look closely, these are exactly the mean values between the ages at which the target class “switches” from 1 to 0 or 0 to 1. To illustrate further, 43.5 is the average of 38 and 49 years; a 38-year-old customer failed to return the loan whereas the 49-year-old did. The tree looks for the values at which the target class switches its value as a threshold for “cutting” a quantitative variable.

Given this information, why do you think it makes no sense here to consider a feature like “Age <17.5”?

Let’s consider a more complex example by adding the “Salary” variable (in the thousands of dollars per year).

In [11]:
data2 = pd.DataFrame(
        "Age": [17, 64, 18, 20, 38, 49, 55, 25, 29, 31, 33],
        "Salary": [25, 80, 22, 36, 37, 59, 74, 70, 33, 102, 88],
        "Loan Default": [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1],
0 17 25 1
1 64 80 0
2 18 22 1
3 20 36 0
4 38 37 1
5 49 59 0
6 55 74 0
7 25 70 1
8 29 33 1
9 31 102 0
10 33 88 1

If we sort by age, the target class ( “loan default”) switches (from 1 to 0 or vice versa) 5 times. And if we sort by salary, it switches 7 times. How will the tree choose features now? Let’s see.

In [12]:
0 17 25 1
2 18 22 1
3 20 36 0
7 25 70 1
8 29 33 1
9 31 102 0
10 33 88 1
4 38 37 1
5 49 59 0
6 55 74 0
1 64 80 0
In [13]:
age_sal_tree = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=17)[["Age", "Salary"]].values, data2["Loan Default"].values);
In [14]:
    feature_names=["Age", "Salary"],

We see that the tree partitioned by both salary and age. Moreover, the thresholds for feature comparisons are 43.5 and 22.5 years of age and 95k and 30.5k per year. Again, we see that 95 is the average between 88 and 102; the individual with a salary of 88k proved to be “bad” while the one with 102k was “good”. The same goes for 30.5k. That is, only a few values for comparisons by age and salary were searched. Why did the tree choose these features? Because they gave better partitioning (according to Gini uncertainty).

Conclusion: the simplest heuristics for handling numeric features in a decision tree is to sort its values in ascending order and check only those thresholds where the value of the target variable changes.

Furthermore, when there are a lot of numeric features in a dataset, each with a lot of unique values, only the top-N of the thresholds described above are selected, i.e. only use the top-N that give maximum gain. The process is to construct a tree of depth 1, compute the entropy (or Gini uncertainty), and select the best thresholds for comparison.

To illustrate, if we split by “Salary $\leq$ 34.5″, the left subgroup will have an entropy of 0 (all clients are “bad”), and the right one will have an entropy of 0.954 (3 “bad” and 5 “good”, you can check this yourself as it will be part of the assignment). The information gain is roughly 0.3. If we split by “Salary $\leq$ 95″, the left subgroup will have the entropy of 0.97 (6 “bad” and 4 “good”), and the right one will have the entropy of 0 (a group containing only one object). The information gain is about 0.11. If we calculate information gain for each partition in that manner, we can select the thresholds for comparison of each numeric feature before the construction of a large tree (using all features).

More examples of numeric feature discretization can be found in posts like “A Simple Guide to Entropy-Based Discretization” or “Discretizing a continuous variable using Entropy”. One of the most prominent scientific papers on this subject is “On the handling of continuous-valued attributes in decision tree generation” (UM Fayyad. KB Irani, “Machine Learning”, 1992).

Crucial Tree Parameters

Technically, you can build a decision tree until each leaf has exactly one instance, but this is not common in practice when building a single tree because it will be overfitted, or too tuned to the training set, and will not predict labels for new data well. At the bottom of the tree, at some great depth, there will be partitions on less important features (e.g. whether a client came from Leeds or New York). We can exaggerate this story further and find that all four clients who came to the bank for a loan in green trousers did not return the loan. Even if that were true in training, we do not want our classification model to generate such specific rules.

There are two exceptions where the trees are built to the maximum depth:

  • Random Forest (a group of trees) averages the responses from individual trees that are built to the maximum depth (we will talk later on why you should do this)
  • Pruning trees. In this approach, the tree is first constructed to the maximum depth. Then, from the bottom up, some nodes of the tree are removed by comparing the quality of the tree with and without that partition (comparison is performed using cross-validation, more on this below).

The picture below is an example of a dividing border built in an overfitted tree.

The most common ways to deal with overfitting in decision trees are as follows:

  • artificial limitation of the depth or a minimum number of samples in the leaves: the construction of a tree just stops at some point;
  • pruning the tree.
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